Rita Hraiz


Rita Hraiz

Designer Artist, Esoteric Astrologer


Rita Hraiz abandoned a highly successful career as a fashion designer, working for Top Shop, Saks Fifth Avenue, Hennes and Hyper Hyper Hyper to look more deeply into the meaning of life and the true purpose of clothes design. Her work had been featured on the pages of Vogue and she had ticked all the relevant design goals off her ‘to do’ list; however she felt there was something seriously lacking in the way the fashion approached women. In fact her disenchantment was so great that she burned her portfolio and gave all her clothes away.

After that she moved to Glastonbury with her 4 children and wore only white for 5 years, in that time she evolved the template for her all embracing and vivid designs for women, inspired by the principles of colour therapy and her own work as an astrologer. Her clothes bring the magic and healing aspect of colour to the fore, sensually expressed through her choice of materials which include ethically sourced Mongolian cashmere, silk and linen, made by a close nit team of workers chosen by Rita in Nepal. Profits from both companies go to support a monastery in Nepal, via the Siddharta Foundation a UK registered charity which Rita founded.

During London Fashion Week this September Rita Hraiz makes a welcome return to the industry and will be showing her gloriously feminine, Spring/Summer 2009 collections for her labels – ‘Mudra’ and ‘Rita Hraiz’ in suite at the Metropolitan Hotel.

Rita’s work centres on her belief in the beauty and power of all women regardless of shape and body size , she sees her approach as going against the tide of the mainstream culture which objectifies and enslaves women. In her quest to fully understand femininity she has trained in many alternative therapies including, astrology, colour therapy and at a more esoteric level training in shamanism and Tibetan Buddhism. And so Rita turned full circle and returned to her first love; designing and creating clothes and as a result of all her years training in different alternative therapies she has come up with a breathtaking and unique collection. Made with natural fabrics, such as high quality, Mongolian cashmere and 100% pure silk which are sourced and produced to high ethical standards, Rita has taken her understanding of right intention and infused her clothes with love. Every garment is designed to spiritually uplift the wearer through the use of colour.